Making Goat Milk Butter

Making Goat Milk Butter

Now that you know how to separate the cream from the whole milk (see May 27, 2018 post), the next logical step is to start using it.  One of my jobs is to make butter out of the cream.  I typically make butter the day after separating, when the cream has chilled over night.  Our Nigerian Dwarf goats have such high butter fat that you can turn the refrigerated jar of cream upside down, and it will not pour out, it is that thick.  But, its not butter yet!

Here is how it’s done …Goat Milk Butter in 15 minutes.

INGREDIENTS:  Goat milk cream – chilled
salt (optional, to taste)


1.  PLACE your chilled goat milk cream the mixing a bowl.  [Note: I use our Kitchen Aid mixer with the whisk attachment for the entire process but you can use whatever mixing appliance/electric mixer you have (even the old butter churn will work although it takes a bit longer)].

2.  MIX on medium speed for about 10 minutes (at first the cream will look like whipped cream, then it will begin to separate into   buttermilk and small bits of butter).

3.  TURN mixer off after most of the buttermilk separates out (about 1/4 -1/2 cup liquid buttermilk).

4.  DRAIN off the buttermilk from the butter (you can use the buttermilk later in pancakes, or wherever buttermilk might be used)..

5.  ADD 1/4-1/2 cup cool tap water and squeeze the butter with a wooden spoon by pressing the butter against the side of the bowl.  Discard the liquid. Repeat squeezing and rinsing until the rinse water is clear.

6.  ADD salt (a pinch) and mix into the butter by squeezing into the butter with the wooden spoon.  Make into a ball.  Place into your favorite butter dish or jar and chill.  

It doesn’t get any better than this.  Enjoy!

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